
My passion for writing began as a food blog at uni and became something much more. Here’s why I love writing:

  • I’m fascinated by languages. Linguistics, etymology, syntax and grammar… I love the lot! I’m a languages nerd, and playing with words, rhythms, and structures really ticks my boxes.
  • It showed me work can be cool! At Infraspeak, I proudly created a new Culture Book; was a lead contributor to their new website, wrote scripts for key product releases and more! I love what I do.
  • It’s made me a better person. Writing is how I best express myself, and creative writing has become a form of therapy for me. I want to do more of it and continue pushing my intellectual boundaries.

Read some of my favourite texts on food, travel and more, and let me know what you think! Expect weird and wonderful, informative and interesting and everything in between.