Meat in Bread... the thing that unites all cultures!
Author: Toby Feldman
Porto: The City of Pucker Portuguese Petiscos
A cuisine not given enough love. Read about my experience with food in Porto.
Mad Mexican Munch
Even after all this time... words fail me. Food in Mexico is the BEST! Period. Have a read.
Walking in a Noodly Wonderland
I left you all on something of a cliffhanger 2 weeks ago. I was listening in English GCSE. Build the tension, engage the audience. “The noodle paradise that is….? is…? IS!!?!?!?!?!”. Fear, not my fellow foodies, the great reveal is now. Chilli Dadd…. oh. *ENTER PLOT TWIST* Prepare for a DOUBLE post. Those who have … Continue reading Walking in a Noodly Wonderland